Amr Abdulwahab - Astrophotography

NASA recently chose an image from the White Desert to be the (astronomical picture of the day) for the astrophotographer, Amr Abdel Wahab.

Discussion topics:

- What is astrophotography and why is it fascinating?

- What are the basic equipment and settings needed for astrophotography?

- How to plan and prepare for an astrophotography session?

- How to find and capture different celestial objects and phenomena?

- Difference between landscape astrophotography and deep sky astrophotography:

  1. Introduction to deep sky astrophotography
  2. Equipment needed for deep sky astrophotography
  3. Techniques for deep sky astrophotography
  4. Tips for deep sky astrophotography
  5. Post-processing techniques

-  Choose the right Nikon gear for both landscape and deep sky astrophotography.

-  How to process and edit astrophotography images using software?

- What are some tips and tricks for improving your astrophotography skills?

- What are some resources and references for learning more about astrophotography?

- The amazing pixinsight image processing software for astrophotography.

- Dealing with the Noise reduction in astrophotography.

-How more than 28 images were selected by NASA and featured on sky and the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) will share the details with the audience.

About Amr Abdulwahab:

an ardent astrophotographer and astrophysicist and president of Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud Astronomical Society I have been beguiled by the night sky since I was a kid growing up in a village in Upper Egypt with no electricity and light pollution. The sky was stunning and it drew me to connect with it.

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